Blog #1 News info

 1. TikTok

TikTok is the main source I get my news from. This is because millions of accounts are on the app and many of them happen to be highly educated people who will post a minute-long video about what's happening in the world. It is very convenient to listen to a video and see informational graphs to push the point accross which helps be broken down and explained without me having to search much further unless I'm intrigued enough too. However, there is recent news of TikTok getting banned in the U.S. and there is pending court cases. So who knows how much longer Tiktok will be an app available in the U.S.

2. Facebook

Facebook has millions of accounts as well. I follow multiple news channels as well as personal accounts that post opinions and information about the news. I get a decent amount of news from here, primarily info posts, quick clips, and ads for articles that take me out of the site. The videos tend to be about 2 minutes long and only feature highlights and leave out useful information, the articles tend to feature intriguing photos and when you click the article it will be about something completely different. They tend to be quite biased and dramatic for what I'm looking for so I will research reliable sources about whatever the event may be.

3. Instagram

Instagram, I personally do not follow any news channels because I dont want to see news on my "fun" social media app. However, Instagram is quite consistent with recommending news channel ads on my page. Fox and CNN tend to be more broadcasted for assumingly popularity reasons. I personally feel these companies fall into a bias and share their opinions on the news rather than what the news is raw. If I find something on Instagram, I always tend to research it further to fact-check. 

4. Snapchat

Snapchat is not the first social media source I'd prefer to use for news. If anything news-related appears, it will have a dramatic photo as the cover and eye-grabbing words to pull you in. Once you're in, the article is boring and repetitive and truly just fake news and a waste of time. So this is a terrible source of news and shouldn't be trusted.

5. Reddit

This is one of my favorite sources I get news from because there are millions of people on the app. If something happens in the news it tends to be posted on Reddit with an unbiased opinion and thousands of people will react and have their own opinions on what's being presented. This opens up to a new perspective and opinion based on things you never thought of before.


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