Blog #3 Free Expression

 Speech theories... 

The eight ideas of free speech are one of the most important aspects in our democratic society because they protect our individual freedoms. These ideals cover a wide range of ideas that are important for open and inclusive societies to function and be protected from dictatorship, censorship, and overall societal weakening. The following are the eight values of free expression, marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and protecting dissent. By analyzing these eight ideals, we are able to learn about how freedom of speech is the most important thing in a fast-changing world.

The idea I found to resonate the most with me is #6 "Promote Tolerance". This particular value stood out to me and has more meaning to me personally.  Promoting tolerance is a social topic, tolerance is being open-minded, respecting others and their differences, as well as communicating with people who have different opinions and values. I believe this is a major building block within society, promoting tolerance allows for people with different views, opinions, backgrounds, and overall ideas to blend together in unison peacefully. Promoting tolerance in our fast-changing world has become more important than ever because as a society we are becoming divided based on social class, race, religion, sexuality, etc. 

To make a connection between social media and my chosen theory. I picked TikTok as an example. Tiktok is a widespread social media app with millions of users, in the age range 12-25 pretty much everyone has the app. TikTok is able to bring people together by showing a multitude of different things. It broadcasts news, sports, all sorts of reviews (makeup, toys, food), and many other things. It also gives people a place to talk and express bigger issues within society. People are able to share memories, talk about their cultures, and provide a first-hand source of information. This all makes Tiktok an important part of the American media scheme because of the communication landscape to show how much social media has changed our society. 

More personally, as I grew up and ventured to college. I realized how important it was to be tolerant of other people's beliefs, opinions, and ways of life. College became a melting pot of ideas and perspectives. You are essentially thrown in with no floaties and expected to swim a mile. I was randomly assigned suite mates, both are very religious Jewish women. I had to learn how to be respectful and tolerant of the things they did as well as learn their customs to make them most comfortable in our living situation. This was one of the best things for me because personally I am not religious nor have been exposed to religions other than Christianity. Living with my suite mates allowed me to witness firstand the beauty of their faith, traditions, and values. I learned that tolerance isnt about erasing differences but celebrating them. I recgonized the richness that diversity brings into our lives. Being tolerant taught me valuable lessons about empathy, respect, and importance of listening to others and stepping out my comfort zone.


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