Blog #4 Google

GOOGLE. Google is the most known and used search engine throughout the world. According to Zipdo, Google has over 1.5 billion users per month and is consistently growing in popularity. Google with its immense influence on how we access and process information, has become not just a search engine, but a word we use in our everyday vocabulary. Past its searching capabilities, Google's impact extends into various facets of our lives whilst shaping the way we learn, communicate, advertise, and even navigate. Let's get into the beginnings of Google and why it exists. 

                                    The creators of Google are Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

They founded Google on September 4th, 1998. The two were PhD computer scientist students at Stanford University. The reason for the creation of Google is the boys were working in their dorm rooms and wanted a search engine that used links to determine the importance of individual pages on the World Wide Web. Originally Google was called Backrub. Luckily they realized how awful that name was and they were suggested by a fellow grad student named Sean, to use the word "Googolplex" which is the name for 10 to the power of Googol. Googol is the name used by mathematicians to reference 10 to the power of 100. They ultimately ended up using this because they knew Google would have billions of possibilities. They created Google because they wanted all their questions to be answered in one place, quickly.

Google changed the world drastically. It revolutionized the search engine game. It provides answers to almost every single question within under a second. Google also plays a big part in the world of stocks. There is a total of 12,488,000,000 shares. It is such a good stock because it has 75% of the Internet search market and 85% of the mobile search market. 

Google solves problems of inconvenience, mapping, education, online advertising, communication, and tons more. Having so much information at your fingertips is a truly fascinating thing.

Google changed communication drastically. The company has introduced platforms such as Gmail, Google Voice, google hangouts, google translate, and google meet. All these platforms are designed for communication. Rather that be over a face to face video call or translating words to have a clearer conversation. Gmail launched first in 2004, quickly becoming one of the most popular email services. It offers a generous amount of storage along with unique features. Google Voice provides a way to organize multiple phone numbers, while hangout, meet, as well as duo offer options for video chatting and messaging. 

Google's negative effects are purely systemic. There has been a great deal of research that suggests increasing dependence on the digital world has negative consequences. This includes decreased attention spans, increased anxiety, lower performance on cognitive tasks, and diminishing social skills. Criticism of Google includes concern for tax avoidance, misuse and manipulation of search results, its use of others' intellectual property, concerns that its compilation of data may violate people's privacy and collaboration with the US military on Google Earth to spy on users, censorship of search results and content


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