Blog #7 Diffusion Theory

 The Diffusion of Innovation Theory is an approach to show the growth and spread of new technologies through a community over time. E.M. Rogers is the scientist who developed the theory in 1962. It is a chart to explain how new ideas are spread, accepted, used, and even avoided by people in society. The Diffusion of Innovation Theory can be used to explain how the use of the iPhone spread around the world.

iPhone was created June 29th of 2007 by Steve Jobs. 

 Being a new product it had rapid growth from the beginning.  

Firstly, It had new key features such as an innovative design, easy-to-use interface, apps and services, and no keyboard. Continuing over the years by making efforts to make people's lives easier and more futuristic.The iPhones ecosystem of services and apps provided great value beyond basic communication. This intrigued individuals in the beginning, spreading to a wider audience beyond tech enthusiasts or professionals who were quick to jump on the train of new and exciting technology. 

Marketing for new "cool" features made the iPhone and peoples loyalty to the brand expand its popularity. The early marketing focused on the size of the iPhone. "How much can fit into such a small device of convenience" was the question posed and iPhone answered it. The marketing strategies focus on highlighting the " Your life in your pocket" iPhone possesses unique selling points which create a sense of desirability amongst consumers.

However, even with the excellent marketing strategies. Not everyone become an early adopter to iPhone. Opposing is the late adopters and even the non adopters. People who dont use technology or like the iPhone might be affected by things like cost, age, not understadning the new technology, and overall just preferring simpler devices. 

The iPhone has brought a lot of good things to the world. The biggest plus is that you no longer have to stay near the wall to be on the phone and you can have a seemingly private conversation without someone being able to listen in on the other line. iPhone has also benefited society by providing quick communication and easier access to information. However, with all good things, bad things come. iPhone creation has introduced us to a world of uncertainty. It raises issues within the realm of privacy, digital addiction, and waste of electronics. 


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