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Final post

The online world is a scaryly dangerous place to be but also a beautiful place. If you take part in the online world you are constantly exposed to things like identity theft, cyber crimes, cyberbullying, etc. Our online presence serves as our digital footprint, leaving traces of our lives spread over many platforms.  My online footprint is widespread. As I grew up my friends began getting social media apps so I followed along doing the same thing. I got Instagram in 5th grade, which looking back is disgustingly young. Over time, I signed up for more social media platforms along with various other online sites. I tend to post pictures of my life. I share photos of my family, boyfriend, dog, vacations, and even photos at my school. This provides to whoever follows me the private details of my life, where I go to school, where I vacation, and what my people look like. I personally do not have a personal online website, my blogger is the online thing I have in that sense.  The social media

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